South Africa for Beginners

Today, this book would correctly need to be called "Apartheid South Africa for Beginners". It was written circa 1988 when I was an undergraduate at Princeton as outlined in the preface. At the time, I had no expectation that my country would attain freedom in my lifetime. The original title and the words herein are unchanged from what I submitted to my professors at the time other than the addition of a climate map of South Africa thanks to Wikipedia..

In today's world of instant experts via social media, I expect many critics of this work. I offer no response to them. I was in my 20s and history was not my area of study. This was a learning exercise for me and I remain in awe to this day of the wisdom of Moshoeshoe as a result. The history department thought it sufficiently competent to give me an A–.

Given that this was a term paper for a single course, I managed to cover a remarkable amount of ground as well as ending on a positive note. I sincerely hope those who believe they can do better will do exactly that.

Picture of the author