Dhanapalan 'Rajen' Reddy — an obituary of sorts
My dear family, friends, and all of gathered here; vannakam.
My dear family, friends, and all of gathered here; vannakam.
Good journalism comes down to three simple things: accuracy, objectivity, fairness.
The first two are easy. Accuracy? Get the facts right. Objectivity? Don’t take sides. Almost everyone understands these.
Fairness is a more difficult concept for most people to grasp. Example: Sit down to watch a soccer match where the ref makes a call against the team you are supporting; chances are your standard for fairness goes right out of the window.
Here’s my simple take on fairness in journalism: Don’t bring in information unrelated to the facts at hand.
If you receive a monthly salary, did you ever stop to think about the meaning of the word? It goes back to the Latin word “salarium” which was the allowance paid to Roman soldiers to buy “sal” (salt).
(I’ll get to Bitcoin soon, but the story starts in the ancient times, so bear with me.)
Our earliest records of salt as money are in the Hebrew Bible dating to around 500 BC where “salt from a person” effectively meant payment. In order to keep the system going, salt production was controlled by the rulers.
On 19 May, news broke that Alphabet Inc, owners of Google, had suspended business with Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei.
The ban extended to all of Google’s hardware, software and technical services except those publicly available via open source licensing.
The announcement did not have much impact until people began to realise that this included the Android operating system and the Google Play Store . This triggered a substantial amount of outrage, mainly directed at Google.
Best defence of good journalism is good journalism, reporting truthfully and factually should always be basis for story
Opinion piece for the Daily News on the legacy of Barack Obama's presidency.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A guy flies from Johannesburg to Hong Kong to get his suits bespoke tailored there because he’s crunched the numbers and has worked out that it would actually be significantly cheaper to do so than buying from the Hugo Boss store in Sandton City.
So he stops by to pick up the finished product and is impressed by the impeccable sartorial elegance. He tries to strike a pose in front of the full-length mirror, and his hands instead slip down the sides of his trousers. He turns to the tailor bewildered.
In the build-up to the 2014 national elections, Advocate Dali Mpofu, representing the then newly-formed Economic Freedom Fighters, was a guest on my radio station’s weekly current affairs show. We chatted briefly in the parking lot thereafter, and I posed the question: “If you end up doing well and driving the ANC below 50 percent in some areas, would you consider going into coalition with them?”
“Never,” he said quite decisively, indicating that he thought that would be the kiss of death for the new party.
The world’s 400 richest people collectively lost $127 billion on Friday when it became clear that a majority of UK voters had opted to leave the European Union.
That figure from the Bloomberg Billionaire Index is equivalent to almost half of South Africa’s GDP — wiped out in a day.
I chose to highlight that figure because there has been a narrative carving itself out in media commentary since the vote in favour of Brexit became known – that Brexit was pushed by the moneyed class as a means of consolidating their wealth base to the exclusion of the poor and downtrodden.
A comment piece around media coverage of Special Investigating Unit head Vasantrai Soni SC.