Kanthan's Blog

Dreams die in times of war

Around 2017, One of my closest friends and I planned a road trip. The idea was to fly to Vladivostok on the east coast of Russia...

Five questions, five answers

Five questions I have been asking myself that I cannot seem to find addressed by the Media and its plethora of Investigative Journalists

The problem with y’all…

I got gently berated by a reader today:  “Kanthan I love your tweets but ...”

Sanctions will hurt the US more than Russia

Putin is in a far stronger position than Biden.

There are only two things we need to know to understand why, but I’m going to give you eight reasons.

Don't wait! Eat that marshmallow!

50 years ago, Stanford University psychology professor Walter Mischel ran an experiment to test the concept of delayed gratification in children...