Kanthan's blog

The real value of Boomers

1 March 2020 — The United States is braced for the single biggest transfer of wealth in history. "Boomers" make up about 45 million households, worth about US $68,4 trillion, according to Cerulli Associates. an asset management research group. As they die over the next 25 years, their heirs...

'I can't believe it's not butter!' redux

29 February 2020 — The Black Soldier Fly, Hermetia illucens, was once only found in South America, but today is quite ubiqutous. The United States Spain, Portugal, southern France, Italy, Croatia, Malta, the Canary Islands, Switzerland, the Black Sea coast of Russia... Yes, and right here in...

My budget takeaways

27 February 2020 — Finance Minister Tito Mboweni delivered his 2020 budget speech yesterday. Brief highlights for me: No major tax increases. Fuel levies increase by 25c per litre. A 60 litre tank will cost R15 more. A R16,4 billion allocation to South African Airways for "guaranteed...

Should some religious groups be barred from foster care because of their beliefs?

26 February 2020 — A fascinating case has made its way to the US Supreme Court.  In 2018, Catholic Social Services, an arm of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, took the city to court accusing it of violating the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and religion....

RIP, Shaun Johnson

25 February 2020 — Woke up to the news that founding editor of the Sunday Independent, Shaun Johnson, had passed away and was momentarily incredulous. Born November 1959, he is just two years older than I am.  I have a flashback now to sitting across from him at his desk circa October 1999;...

Who guards The Guardian?

24 February 2020 — Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? This Latin phrase traces back to the work of the Roman poet Juvenal, written around the late first or early second century, It translates to "who will guard the guardians?" Surprisingly, the original context was not in the sense of the modern...

Corona versus Ebola: some stats

23 February 2020 — The Democratic Republic of Congo announced their tenth outbreak of Ebola in 40 years on 1 August 2018. The number of cases has exceeded 3 000, making it the country's largest-ever Ebola outbreak. It is the second-largest Ebola outbreak after one which hit West Africa from...

Every so often, the Internet gives us something truly wonderful

22 February 2020 — Fancy listening to Folk Music of Afghanistan from 1971? Or Afro-Cuban Jazz from 1966? The Internet Archive has begun digitizing long out-of-print vinyl and making it freely available. As I write these words, I am listening to "Profiles" by Gary McFarland (1966). It was...

Free speech versus the right to bear arms?

21 February 2020 — The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents government passing laws prohibiting freedom of speech. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the individual right to keep and bear arms. But what if they are in fact the same thing?...

Cognitive bias holding you back?

20 February 2020 — A quick listicle from the World Economic Forum on cognitive biases that could be holding some of us back at work. The sunk cost fallacy — when you have already invested so much time, emotion, or effort in something that it becomes difficult to abandon, even though you...

Reading into India's GDP growth

19 February 2020 — Quite a bit of buzz today around the fact that India has overtaken the UK as the world's fifth largest economy. India's GDP has clocked $2,94 trillion. The UK sits at $2,83 trillion followed by France at $2,71 trillion. There's been a lot of grumbling from India's...

A plague on both your houses!

18 February 2020 — And I miss you... Like the deserts miss the rain... went the 90s track from Everything But The Girl. Desert rains also bring chaos. An abundance of rain leads to an abundance of foliage, which encourages breeding of locusts. These have wreaked havoc around the Horn of...

Looking for the elevator in the gym?

17 February 2020 — Ever stop to observe the behaviour of vehicles entering a shopping center parking lot? They will generally circle close to the entrance of the shop they want to go to. Frequently, they will stop in a row, hazards flashing, waiting for someone to leave their space....

Up in my air balloon, air balloon...

16 February 2020 — Whenever I watch "Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade", I'm filled with longing for the majestic beauty of airships. Three times longer and twice as tall as a 747 – to put that in perspective, the Hindenburg class machine was as long as the Empire State Building is tall – ...

Biting the bullet butter

15 February 2020 — "Have you got any butter?" I asked the barista at the Slow XS Lounge in Lanseria. He had just passed me a double espresso. "Sure," he said, and passed me a couple of single serve tubs. He then watched in fascination as I tipped both into the espresso. "I bet you've never...

So Ramaphosa delivered, sort of...

14 February 2020 — Yesterday, I said there are three very simple things President Ramaphosa can do today that will immediately give an uptick to our economy: Let SAA fail Take the money that would be spent on SAA and use it to upgrade Metrorail rolling stock and stations Hand over...

My wishes for the State of the Nation Address tonight

13 February 2020 — There are three very simple things President Ramaphosa can do today that will immediately give an uptick to our economy: Let SAA fail Take the money that would be spent on SAA and use it to upgrade Metrorail rolling stock and stations Hand over control of Metrorail to...

The William Nicol interchange looks good, but it sucks

12 February 2020 — When the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project trotted out the new interchange at the intersection of the N1 and William Nicol, there were many oohs and aahs around how beautiful it was. Actually, it's stupid. It is responsible for creating what is possibly the single...

RIP, Mad Mike

11 February 2020 — Here's a short history in bullet points:St Patrick's Day, 1919, Thomas Michael Hoare was born in Calcutta, India to Irish parents.At eight years old, he was sent to school in England, and thereafter began studying to be an accountant.He was 20 when he joined the London...

The unraveling of the EU begins today

10 February 2020 — In October 2018, German Chancellor Merkel announced that she would not be standing for reelection as leader of her party, the Christian Democratic Union. In the December election that followed, Merkel's protégé, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, (Germany's current Minister of...

The erotic allure of unfamiliar books

9 February 2020 — There's a pile of books on my bedside table in various stages of being read; ditto the guest bathroom at my home which doubles as my personal reading room every so often.  But you will still find me prowling second hand bookshops looking for things that pique my curiosity....

The virus and the pangolin

8 February 2020 — When you see one strutting along on its hind legs, you might be forgiven for thinking this is a baby tyrannosaurus.  When it rolls up into a ball, it looks like a projectile from a medieval version of pelota designed for the Spanish Inquisition.  And then it puts forward...

To boldly go where no woman has gone before...

7 February 2020 — Barely 24 hours ago at 9h12 GMT, a Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying Christina Koch safely parachuted down in Kazakhstan. She had spent 328 days (including her 41st birthday on 29 January) on board the International Space Station. During that time, she and fellow astronaut...

Compulsory medical aid is a good thing

6 February 2020 — Earlier this week, someone expressed an opinion as to why he/she should be forced to subscribe to company medical aid. "The problem is companies to do not give us a choice. We are forced into joining (Discovery Health). That's what we need our government to look at. Why are...

As my memory fades...

— For some time now, I have had an app on my iPhone called Day One which prompts me every morning at 8h15 to write an entry in my journal. @Anatinus asked me this morning what that was all about, and I told her that this was a way of reminding myself that someday, I needed to start writing...